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*Headphones highly recommended*
Listen to meditations at a low to medium volume. Please do not listen while driving. These meditations are powerful and it may surface subconscious thoughts and/or emotions, we also recommend keeping a journal so that you can keep track of your progress.

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All 7 Chakra Meditations

This bundle contains all 7 Chakra meditations.

7 individual track files.

20 minutes each.

140 minutes total

- $44 -

*Save $12*


- Individual Chakra Meditations & Previews Below -



Root Chakra Healing & Balancing

Color: Red
Location: Base of the spine
Meaning: Physical idendity, stability, grounding


The root chakra is the connection with the physical body, the physical world, the energies of earth, and the material level of life. The root chakra is associated with our basic instincts and our basic personal and physical needs for life and survival. The main theme of the root chakra is security and stability.


A blocked root chakra can manifest as physical issues like arthritis, constipation, bladder or colon problems. Feeling insecure about finances or our basic needs for well-being. When it’s in alignment and open, we will feel grounded and secure, both physically and emotionally.


20 minute sound meditation

with specifically tuned Root Chakra frequencies.

- $8 -



Sacral Chakra Healing & Balancing

Color: Orange
Location: Just bellow the belly button
Meaning: Sexuality, pleasure, creativity


The sacral chakra represents the creative flow of pure life energy, our relationship to liveliness and our passion for life. It also plays a central role in expressing and feeling emotions. In the sacral chakra we express our deepest need to let our  energy flow, to express ourselves, to experience life, and to live our creative power.

Issues with the sacral chakra can be seen via problems with the associated organs, like urinary tract infections, lower back pain, and impotency. Emotionally, this chakra is connected to our feelings of self-worth, and even more specifically, our self-worth around pleasure, sexuality, and creativity.


20 minute sound meditation

with specifically tuned Sacral Chakra frequencies.

- $8 -



Solar Plexus Chakra Healing & Balancing

Color: Yellow
Location: Upper abdomen
Meaning: Self-esteem, confidence

The solar plexus chakra is the seat of our self-image as a person, it is the domain of all our identities. This chakra is the access to our inner identity in the form of stored experiences, deeply rooted unconscious thoughts, and behavior patterns; us before conditioning.

Blockages in the solar plexus chakra are often experienced through digestive issues like ulcers, heartburn, eating disorders, and indigestion. It’s the chakra of our personal power. This means it’s related to our self-esteem and self-confidence.


20 minute sound meditation

with specifically tuned Solar Plexus Chakra frequencies.

- $8 -



Heart Chakra Healing & Balancing

Color: Green or Pink

Location: Center of the chest

Meaning: Love, compassion, humanity


The heart chakra processes the experiences of love and related feelings and sensations. These feelings include love, compassion, devotion, sadness, pain, and gratitude. The heart chakra develops our ability for unconditional love and devotion. Through the heart chakra we recognize the true nature of duality and love. Here in the heart is the pure, universal love of our soul at home, which can accept all people and events with non-judgmental acceptance. In the light of this love we feel our innermost truth and learn to recognize it without judging it.


Blocks in our heart chakra can manifest in our physical health through heart problems, circulatory ailments, asthma, and even weight issues. But blocks are often seen even more clearly through people’s actions. People with heart chakra blocks often put others first, to their own detriment, or choose isolation due to a fear of being vulnerable. It also represents our ability to love and connect to others. When out of alignment, it can make us feel lonely, insecure, and isolated.


20 minute sound meditation

with specifically tuned Heart Chakra frequencies.

- $8 -



Throat Chakra Healing & Balancing

Color: Blue
Location: Center of the throat
Meaning: Communication, expression, rationality

The throat chakra is the chakra of expression, purity, alignment, and truth. It's main function is that of a translator. The throat chakra is the source of our understanding and communication skills. It enables us to find our own truth and share it with our environment.

The throat chakra is connected to our ability to communicate verbally. Voice and throat problems as well as any problems with the surrounding area, such as the teeth, gums, and mouth, can indicate a blockage. Blocks or misalignment can also be seen through dominating conversations, gossiping, speaking without thinking, and having trouble speaking your mind. When in alignment, you will speak and listen with compassion and feel confident doing so.


20 minute sound meditation

with specifically tuned Thoat Chakra frequencies.

- $8 -



Third Eye Chakra Healing & Balancing

Color: Indigo
Location: Between the eyes, on the forehead
Meaning: Wisdom, intuition, imagination


The third eye chakra is the seat of the consciousness, the higher spirit, and the inner vision. Through the third eye chakra we receive the guidance of the soul through intuition, which is why it is also called the “door to the soul." It is the gateway to higher spiritual experiences and true cosmic alignment.


The third eye chakra is located on the head, blockages can manifest as headaches, issues with sight or concentration, and hearing problems. People who have trouble listening to reality, or who are not in touch with their intuition may also have a block. When open and in alignment, it’s thought that people will follow their intuition and be able to see the big picture.


20 minute sound meditation

with specifically tuned Third Eye Chakra frequencies.

- $8 -



Crown Chakra Healing & Balancing

Color: Violet or White
Location: Very top of the head
Meaning: Awareness, intelligence, enlightenment


The crown chakra connects man with the Divine and the Cosmic, the Great Whole. It is located outside the physical body and is the seat of the consciousness of oneness. Through this connection to the Divine through the crown chakra, we attain the highest form of knowledge, wisdom, and oneness. A fully opened crown chakra means complete transcendence of identity as a single person.

The crown chakra is linked to every other chakra (and therefore every organ in this system), and so it affects not just all of those organs, but also our brain and nervous system. It is considered the chakra of enlightenment and represents our connection to our life’s purpose and spirituality. Those with a blocked crown chakra may seem narrow-minded, skeptical, or stubborn. When this chakra is open, it is thought to help keep all the other chakras open and to bring bliss and enlightenment.


20 minute sound meditation

with specifically tuned Crown Chakra frequencies.

- $8 -


All meditations are created by Virtuous Healing and specifically recorded at lower volumes.

- All rights reserved -

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